Moda Rican, from Dream to Reality!

Moda Rican, from Dream to Reality!

Moda Rican is a dream I had that is becoming a reality with the launch of my Online Store. I love fashion and enjoy choosing the right outfit for every occasion. This project represents my dream of entrepreneurship, freedom and reinvention.

Everything started on January 2021, in the middle of the COVID19 pandemic, where I became unemployed. This was the opportunity I was waiting for and as a result I decided to start the business that I always had in mind, but at the same time, always left aside. My initial plan was always to have a physical location, but time passes and everything changes, so adjusting to the new era, I decided to move toward e-commerce using the platforms of social media. I followed this approach because this opens a lot of possibilities.

I admire beauty in everything, and I always help my friends and family with those matters. My academic preparation is far from fashion. During the last years I have been working closely with law, domestic violence, administrative matters, mediation, governmental matters and Human Resources. However, I was always dreaming with creating something that was mine, unique and creative. We are blessed to live in the tropics. Puerto Rico offers the opportunity to wear light, casual and colorful clothing. Our climate requires fresh, beautiful and good quality pieces. Moda Rican seeks to dress you up for all those gatherings with family or friends, brunch, lunch, the beach and the famous road-trips along our beautiful coast or the mountains. 

We try to find options for all sizes but always within the parameters mentioned above. Our goal is that when wearing our pieces of clothing you feel comfortable, beautiful, sexy and empowered.

I have created this blog not only to talk about my products but to contribute to all those people that are one step away from making important decisions on their life and need motivation, some tools and strength. My best advice is, don’t  be afraid of anything or anybody, love yourself, transform your weaknesses into strength and move steadily to your goal. I hope that we can exchange great ideas and that the discussion of topics give you some tips, knowledge and the help you may be needing to move on. Some of the topics that I want to talk about are fashion, beauty, woman's health, domestic violence, makeup, accessories, trending topics, entrepreneur, motivational and kitchen recipes, among others.

See you later my Rican friends and remember, dreams become a reality!!!

Sherry Ann
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Me encantó tu portraits!!! Hay que reinventarse🙌🏼🙏

Nancy Diaz

Me encantó tu portraits!!! Hay que reinventarse🙌🏼🙏

Nancy Diaz

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